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The one thing that I really liked about the dailyshoot was the opportunity to use my artistic eye and take photos of something interesting everyday. So for the final project, I think it will be interesting to take photos of an art student.

Many of the studio art majors are taking multiple art courses during one semester, which means they live in Melchers for that semester. We live, breathe, and eat art as studio art majors. So from this, I feel that I can show to many people that being an art major is not the easiest major. I actually think people judge us for being art majors because we get to just “paint” and have fun. Well to those who assume we’re loving every minute of what we do, you are wrong! Although this school is not an art school, the expectations from the professors are high! They expect immaculate work from us with over 50 hours of work put into each project each time, which is usually what happens anyways. So what better way to show those who think being a studio art major is easy to show them that it’s really not and express our pain and our dedication as artists then to show it through photographs everyday.

I will be documenting the everyday Melchers with different students and photographing their works, hardwork, and mess we create.

For the second part to my final, I will be creating a video of an instructional video on how to make a linoleum cut print.

I think this will an interesting final project to get the word out about being an artist.

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