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For my design assignment, I decided to use Jim Groom’s idea of a traveling poster. I thought this would be a challenge to take a movie and turn it into a simple poster. After deciding on this assignment I tried to decide on a movie that I liked, but every movie I liked the poster did not turn out the way I would have liked it to turn out. So then I began thinking about different movies that I can work with and the list I came up with was : When Harry Met Sally, Wall-E, Godzilla, Legally Blonde, and UP. I felt that these were easy to come up with a simple design. I ended up using the movie UP, and created this poster. What do you think? Is it a successful image portraying UP?

I only wanted to put the main house and the balloons to show it was the movie. Yes, the characters make up the movie however I think the ballooned house was the primary image that expresses the movie. I feel that this poster is very simple and easy to look at.

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