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Find a website, much around in the HTML, and create a story. Oh, my.


I’ve had a few ideas kicking around in my head since we got the assignment.  Some of those included telling odd stories in Wikipedia, but the amount of content needed sort of threw me off — and then the story that I would be telling would be an actual story, and I might as well make a blog post of it.  So I wanted to do more than just “one” story (like one entry in Wikipedia).

So, earlier i got the idea of giving an HTML-embodied “F U” to Censorship.  So.. I fooled around with some JavaScript, and I wrote some code that slowly changed every word in the Wikipedia article to curse words.

After all of that, I began to realize that maybe this would not fly for a good grade on this assignment, and I was not sure if it was indeed a story. So, I decided I needed a new idea, and went back to brainstorming.

Honestly, I’ve really had no time to work on this assignment this week.  In another class, I’ve been working with a group on a technical document that at last count was over 40 pages long.  Just yesterday we were working on it for at least 6 hours straight (and this was not the first day with that amount of work).  Anyways, in class today, Andy Rush was giving a presentation on video, “New Media”, and other such things, and was showing off YouTube Edit. He threw together a couple of unrelated video clips, some of students at UMW and the campus, and added some overly dramatic music for the soundtrack.  Watching the presentation with us, Jim Groom made a comment to the affect of, “10 Students die from DS106″, and my idea was born.

That’s more than enough lead-up, so get to checking out my awesome web story, now please.

Make sure you click around! (click the image to take you to an interactive HTML page, or click here to view a full size image):


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