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Getting Lost in Minecraft

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Patrick and I have finished the first installation of Lost in Minecraft!

Check it out:

It was a ton of fun to make.

None of it is scripted, which made it lots of fun to do, and as a result it’s a very different feel from the radio show. But in a good way, I think. I am very happy with it.

The music is stuff I made and had laying around, so I don’t think it fits the story in exactly the way I want it to. So I’m working on a new piece for the episode next weekend (which is when the story will really start getting exciting, by the way. Creation! Destruction! Intrigue! …So stay tuned!)

We have plans for two more episodes, which we will be releasing over the course of the next two weeks (hopefully). The plan is to put up one episode each weekend. It may or may not extend to a fourth episode… we’ll see. All the video editing and music overlaying was done in iMovie. My roommate Kevin helped us out with that stuff, which was awesome.

Somehow, this project is turning out to be way more fun than the radio assignment. I can’t wait to do the next one!

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