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a little bit of everything… bitching included.

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can someone say STRESS? jeeze… people keep saying, “only a month left!” like that doesn’t mean I still have a million things to do, with only a month to do them. I’m not going to lie… I haven’t been able to recover from the frustration of the radio project. Everything since then seems like a huge pain in the ass and it’s difficult to get motivated to do anything for this class. It’s not that it’s not interesting, but I think there should have been a more realistic work load for the course (it’s a 100-level GenEd). Okay, so we meet once a week… that’s why we’re there for THREE hours, the same amount of time we spend in any other 3 credit course. Maybe we should do more productive work in class instead of talking about the productive work we’re going to do outside of class, because it really is difficult to find the time necessary to invest into these assignments. Whatever… only a month left, right?! chyeahhhh .. I still haven’t thought much about how I’m going to wrap up my final project about gymnastics… I guess I should suck that up nowwwww.

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