A few days ago I sat down and outlined what I wanted to cover, and what material is relevant/interesting. So Here is the outline of what I am going to put together:
-What is the “Stuff” That Makes Up Nature? (From Small -> Big)
*Subatomic Particles
***More Than Matter? atomic matter, photons, neutrinos, dark matter, dark energy. AND THATS IT!!
*Who Invited the Anti-Matter?
-The 4 Forces are What Tell “The Stuff” What to do.
*Strong Nuclear Force
*Weak Nuclear Force
-There Has to be More!
*Conservation of Energy, Its THE Law!!
*Entropy, King of the Classical Realm
-Overview of Notoriously Notable Physicists
*Isaac Newton
*James Clerk Maxwell
*Albert Einstein
*Max Planck
*Werner Heisenberg
*Paul Dirac
*Edwin Hubble
*Stephen Hawking
-Big Bang for Your Buck
*The Universe is Expanding??!!
*Was the Universe Always This Way, and Will it End?
*Black Holes “aint so black”
*Room Left For God?
-Sexy Sciences: Relativity and Quantum
*Light Speed
*Special and General Relativity
*Time Travel Possible, Say it isn’t so! Oh Yes.
*Is That Particle a Wave??
*String Theory, M-Theory, and new Frontiers…
So there is the format, I am not going to pepper everyone with the math behind most of the material. This stuff is not as hard as some people try to make it seem, and I am going to try to present it in a way that is clear and hopefully entertaining. Acknowledging the laws of nature have some of the deepest implications. Not only can you understand your place in the vast cosmos, you can also realize how astonishingly complex and rare of a specimen each and every one of us are. From understanding that the universe did indeed have a beginning, to being able to project your mind 100′s of billions of years into the future when it winds down to its end; brings an eerie feeling that the universe is beginning to understand itself. The fact that our minds can comprehend the life span of the universe evokes a sense of immortality that we are a lucky generation to experience.
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