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Tim Owens – We Are All Artists

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The first thing I thought after listening to this was “wow, Tim really embodies DS106, every concept and idea we’ve hit on in this class he’s thought of inside and out” as he goes more in depth on all of these and shares many of his own opinions as well. I really liked the idea of one being able to “learn” how to be creative and no one is really born with this ability more so than anyone else. In fact, I think it’s interesting how we’re finding out that really anything can be learned, behaviors can be altered, personalities can be somewhat changed given the right environment and actions from the individual; so much of what anyone is “good at” or even the way in which they think is determined by their environment and what exactly they’re exposed to. Which reminds me I really want to read this sometime: , apparently this guy was just really good at learning, he understood the best way to teach himself any new thing and became an insanely good chess player then decided he wanted to try martial arts and ended up winning ridiculous amounts of tournaments. He says that anyone can learn things at that rate if they just know how to really learn. If anyone reading this has read the book that would be awesome if you let me know what you thought of it! Back to Tim, the part about being the most creative when we are uncomfortable in some way (nervous, hungry, etc.) seems kind of odd to me, maybe it’s true, maybe it’s different for everyone but being hungry or nervous or anything of that nature often just feels like such a distraction for me that I’m not sure I would be very creative at all. Also it was interesting how Tim and Jim both talked about how the internet now acts as a sort of finder for those with great ideas, instead of just those being in the right place at the right time, knowing the right people, etc. reaping all of the rewards. Anyway, all of the links he left are pretty cool I wish I had used some of those resources for the first few assignments but I’m sure they will prove useful in the near future!

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