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Design 4 – Who is Danny Ainge?

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I started off by doing the assignment where you are to insert a random picture into another picture because I wanted to work on croping images.  I didn’t do the best job with my “zero to sixty” album cover, so I wanted to improve.  Using the magic wand “fuzzy select tool” I was able to perfectly crop out the best parts of my devil image.  Since the angel was not as segregated in terms of color, the tool only got me so far.  I had to manually erase a lot of the background.

This image depicts my frustrations with Danny Ainge, the general manager of the Celtics basketball team.  On one hand, he was general manager of the year in 2008 because of a complex trade in which we aquired all-star players Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen.  It was this trade that won us a championship that year, turning the team around from the last team in the league, to the best.  On the other hand, it is widely agreed that the reason the Celtics lost to the Lakers in game 7 of the championship series in 2009 was due to poor rebounding.  Kevin Perkins (our best rebounder) got hurt late in the game and we couldn’t recover.  Come playoff time this past season, he finally was healthy and ready to play, and %$*& Danny Ainge traded him away, sealing our fate as an almost-championship-worthy-team-but-not-quite.  What a Moron!  Anyway, Paul Pierce is my favorite player (featured in the green cloud).  And if Danny Ainge ever tries to

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