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Everything is a remix

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So I finally got a chance to sit down and not just watch the “Everything is a Remix Part 3″ video by Kirby Ferguson, but actually pay attention and think about what was being presented. The video makes many good points about the nature of “creation,” especially as it stands in today’s world. While many people believe that now more than ever is a time of innovation especially through use of the internet many if not all ideas have been thought of by someone else in some way or another and even if an idea is fresh or new it is most likely a variation of an idea that someone else came up with. This is why more than ever the concept of intellectual property rights is coming to the forefront in legal circles. While not just being a dream for lawyers because of the ambiguous nature of intellectual property, the demand for exclusive rights to ideas and concepts that have not even been physically rendered is higher now than it ever has been. That being said when something comes along like the home computer we must recognize that it is a series of ideas that have compounded on one another and been brought together to form the final product much like Ferguson states in his video. Ferguson also brings up the idea of “multiple discovery” which can be credited to the same knowledge and tools being available to people and innovation coming through that, but I think that it is more to do with the nature of the world that we are living in, that there is demand for either answers or products or innovations of some kind whether we know we are asking for it or not, and there are just multiple people out there who are capable of bringing us those answers and products. In today’s world everyone is always looking for the next big thing, but when you really look at it all we get most of the time is a tweaked version of something that once was, a reworking, or a remix if you will.

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