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Harry Potter Saves Orphans, Too

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For my third Design Assignment, I decided to try out the “Where did that guy come from?!” assignment. I may or may not be a Harry Potter fanatic, so I went with an image from one of the movies. I haven’t worked that much with gimp or cropping or adding or layers or anything really. There weren’t any tutorials to help me out with this one, so I basically just had to figure it out for myself. I decided to put an orphan girl from the like 1930s into a battle scene of Harry Potter. I just Googled the two images and saved them to my computer. I opened up the Harry Potter picture in one window and the orphan girl in another. I used the Scissor tool to get only the girl and not the background. This took a lot of time because I kept messing up, but I eventually got it. I copied the girl and pasted her onto the HP picture. I had to re-size the girl so that she was small and looked like she was in the background. I also had to move her to where you could see her but she seemed like she was standing there. Unfortunately because of all the resizing, the orphan image came out a little blurry.

Obviously, there are no orphans chilling around Hogwarts whilst Harry is defeating Lord Voldemort, which is why it’s kind of funny. I really liked this assignment because I had to really figure the tools and how they worked and the best way to go about doing this. I had fun and feel more comfortable using Gimp now. Here is my third design assignment:


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