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7-5-11 ds106tv Comments

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Wow, it seems that this “Followers of the Apocalypse” guy is working for the Combine or something.  I could hardly understand what he said, other than “Uhhhhh” every other word.  Cure “More” tag…– The idea of “gutting the education system” being an apocalypse is interesting.  As I listened to this, I looked up some stuff about Fallout, which appears to the the origin of this group’s name.  Not something I’d like to play…

– Digressing, I’m ashamed at our governments for making it so dang hard to get an education.  They can either put the money into education, or they can put the money into welfare for people that can’t get a job because they don’t have an education.Sally Hunt, the general secretary of the University and College Union, has the right idea.  Cutting spending on higher education will make it much harder for the “commoner” to get that £0.25 piece of paper that says they can make more than 30K a year.

– ds106 is indeed amazing in that we don’t have to deal with a middle-man.  We are in control of how we get things done, and we don’t have to go through third-party channels to get the technology we need because we use our own.  I also think it’s pretty cool that we can use our phones and such to do live recordings and live feeds.

– I’d like to note that the interview by Kinzie was pretty long.  Now, that’s not a bad thing, really.  He had a lot of good song choices there, and I found the length to be very acceptable.  The clip was entertaining enough to keep me in there for the duration.  Good job, Kinzie!

– I can’t wait for the radio show project!  I get to test out my webcam microphone!!!

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