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Audacity is a very simple to learn program. Installation was a bit difficult. The website Audacity was hosted on was down at the time so I used a torrent site to download. I didn’t use any tutorials to learn how to use audacity I just begun by importing sounds and started playing with them. I took my sounds from the freesound project. The sounds on the site are actually quite incredible. They have sounds for just about anything. This would be a great place to look for sounds if your were developing a small web site or a small game. The program was extremely difficult to manipulate at first but once you read through the buttons at the top of the tool bar you will understand how to manipulate the sounds well enough to make tracks. My overall view of audacity is that it is an incredible program that is very easy to use. It is good at what it is for. The sound quality is great. My only complaint is that the sites download was down for a bit. Need more support there.

Joe Fehrman

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