For my second assignment I did something I’ve done twice before; made ringtones. When I got my first phone, a Samsung flip phone that was one of the first color phones (and was a hand-me-down) I scoured the internet to find a good song that I would identify with. I settled on the theme from Beverly Hills Cop and I used it for three or so years when I got a new phone that could play .mp3′s at which point I made my second ringtone which I used until I got my current phone. Now I just use a generic one, but remaking these two have made me want to make a third one, so I present all three here to you.
Beverly Hills Cop Ringtone Beverly Hill Cop Theme
Seventeen Years Ringtoner Ratatat – Seventeen Years
The Horror! RJD2 – The Horro
Posted by Nathan Bent
July 6, 2011
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