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Auf Deutsch

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I chose”Make’em Laugh!” for one of my audio assignments. I decided to tell a joke in German because it’s the only foreign language with which I have any familiarity. I wanted to find some stereotypical German music to play in the background so I looked on The song I chose is “Deutsches Essen,” and is by a group called Ivan Ivanovich & The Kreml Krauts. The laugh track at the end is from

German Joke by chellytufy

Here’s the transcript:
Ein Mann besucht ein Geschäft. Er sagt der Verkäufer, “Kann ich Hosen kaufen bitte?”
Der Verkäufer sagt: “Wie lange?”
Dann der Mann antwortet: “Ich will sie kaufen, nicht mieten!”

And here’s the English translation:
A man visits a store. He asks the clerk, “Can I buy pants please?”
The clerk says, “How long?”
Then the man replies, “I want to buy, not rent!”

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