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The Rescue

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Here is my Sound Effects Story Audio Assignment. My story is called “The Rescue” and like many other ds106-ers I decided to set my story at the beach. I’m not going describe it in great detail because you can just listen and find out for yourself!

The Rescue by chellytufy

The sound effects came from either or I then used Audacity to consolidate all the clips. I had a lot of fun with this assignment and although I am late on the audio portion of this class, I’m glad I now feel comfortable using Audacity.

Audio Credit:
Breastokesurf by jaimedaniel
RoughOcean by darren1979
water_splash_18 by junggle
anton_stikken1 by anton
referee_whistle_01 by joedeshon
breathing1 by Halleck
running gravel or dry leaves loop by bevangoldswain
01650 underwater bubbles by Robinhood76
Coughing ( by rutgermuller

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