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Web Story.

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For my webpage story I found an article about Michelle Obama on the Washington Post website and tweaked it.  I don’t know why exactly I chose this article, but it might have to do with the fact that I think it’s absolutely stupid that anyone would care about how many calories the first lady is consuming in one meal.  That’s her business.  So, I made everything in the article sound absolutely ludicrous.  First of all, I want to make one thing clear about this project- I DID NOT like it!  At all (sorry Martha!).  This class has been challenging enough for me as it is, but this is by far the most frustrating and challenging thing I have done yet.  It did teach me that playing with html codes is definitely not my thing though.

I first started this project by using Firebug.  However, it never wanted to save what I had changed.  Even if I didn’t click away from the page but simply left it alone for a while it changed back to what it had been.  Then, when I finally got everything the way I wanted it, I couldn’t get c-panel to upload the file to my blog.  Well, it uploaded but I couldn’t open the webpage.  When I tried to just upload the image to my blog, I got an error message that said files of that type are not permitted for security reasons. I was extremely fed up with this assignment.  Conveniently, I happened to look at my Twitter stream at this point and saw that Tim Owens had tweeted about something called So, I decided to check it out. And, needless to say this website is my new best friend because it ended my grueling hours of frustration and anger (THANK YOU Tim Owens) :)

Unfortunately, this website didn’t allow me to edit the comments that people had left on the original article (which I did edit when using Firebug). So I just deleted them from the page because they didn’t really have the effect that I wanted them to. Since I couldn’t get this to work right, I also didn’t get it to show on my blog the way it was supposed to. But I do have a link I know this is definitely not my finest work in this course, but I did try (for days!) to get this right. And now I am DONE.

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