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Movie Trailer Mashup

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This project came out differently than I originally intended it to, but I think I like this.  To do this project,  I found a Pirates of the Carribean 4 movie trailer and a When a Stranger Calls movie trailer both on YouTube).  I’m not sure why I chose these two exactly but I wanted to mix a comical and a scary tone together- I’m not a fan of scary movies, so I don’t realy know what’s scary and what’s not.  Then I used Camtasia Studio to mashup the trailers.  As I said, this isn’t what I originally intended.  I wanted to take the background music of one and transfer it to the other.  I ended up taking the entire audio off of one and transfering it.  But I’m actually really pleased with the final product.   I think it’s really cool how the music rises and falls at the right times and looks as though it really is coinciding with the video.

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