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Week 8 – Prof. Oliver Is that Really You?

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Dear Professor Oliver,

You believe in a independent education where the student counts of the teacher as a guide instead of a babysitter. You believe we [students] are able to learn on our own, without the professors’ lecture and without assessment. Moreover, professor Michael wonders if it is really true that we [students] don’t need to go to college? Shouldn’t receive grades?

Before coming to this school, I was in a public college in Colombia. In public education in Colombia, teachers act as a guide for the students. Students have to read their material on their own, and learn and develop their skills, with I would say 70% of their effort. It was shocking for me at the beginning. The assignments were beyond my knowledge. Worst of all, after some classes I was totally confused, scared with no clue where to find the source to work on specific projects. Attendance and participation was the last requisite in order to pass the class.  It was up to you come or not to class. Come to class and go, or come and sleep.  However, no one would be absent or not to ask questions because that would mean to kill themselves. Totally different to the education I am receiving in York College.

In York College, or I would say US, education based more in to make sure students go to college, and if they go to make sure they participate in class. Why? I believe the social system by itself make student to isolate from the world so most of them are shy or scared because of the English skills, bill issues, college + two jobs, etc. I really ignore what people [18-24] specially go through… I am in a class that my teacher spend 1/3 of her time asking the students: why you did not the homework? why you are late? etc. Therefore, teachers act like a substitute of their parents helping more with the transition form high school to college.

Responding to the reaction of professor Michael in regards to professor Oliver, I think students need to go a place where they learn to socialize and share information with other people. In my opinion, education is beyond knowledge. Knowledge is everywhere and we student should be able to find it and get it with/without a teacher. By comparing the two experiences “Colombia” and “US” I feel students get lazy here so the need of a drastic change in the system where students learn more on their own would be a shocking-good experience to wake up this society.



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