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A Chance Encounter

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Tell Me A Story:

I came from a small city in Aomori Prefecture known as Misawa. Being a fan of Japanese Drama’s and Music I quickly learned that you don’t come across many artists or actors from Aomori. Of my favourites, however, was a hybrid band known as Monkey Majik, consisting of two brothers from Canada as lead vocals and two Japanese members on the bass and drums.

Now this band isn’t from Aomori, but they are from Sendai which is only a 4 hour drive. My best friend and I are crazy Monkey Majik fans.

One night, the night of my mothers friends’ going away dinner, we all decided to go have a meal at a local Thai restaurant. Everything was going normally, and then suddenly the door opened and a party of three walked in.

Now to anyone else this party was nothing special but for me, it was completely different.

I froze immediately, recognizing a familiar style hat, familiar features, and just a familiar face in general. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I tried my best to stay casual, but even my mom couldn’t help but notice that something about me suddenly seemed rather stiff.

She asked me if I was okay and I told her “yes, I need to go call Vangi” (Vangi is my best friend)

As I walked past the party of three, already seated at a table by the door, I took one quick glance just to be sure…there was no mistake.

After going outside (to make the call) I let out a deep breath, my chest was pounding, and my stomach was flipping erratically. I quickly searched for vangi’s number and paced the streets hastily as I waited for an answer.


I growled because of all the times to not pick up her phone, this was the worst.

I needed to know what to do and Vangi was the only one who could tell me. I paced and paced, all the while continuously trying to redial her number: still nothing. I gave up and went back inside.

Again, my mom asked me if I was okay…i told her yes.

Dinner finished about half an hour later, and ended with me saying close to nothing but my good-byes to my mothers friend. As we approached the base, I swallowed and asked my mom “Can you drop me off at Vangi’s house?”

By this time she still had no idea what was going on.

I got out of the car, my mom drove away, and I raced to the door. Vangi was home.
When we met I was speechless ‘oh my god, oh my god, oh my god’ was all my thoughts could manage

Then I finally said it. “We have to go, we have to go NOW!”

She asked me what I was talking about, what was going on, and I paused.

“I just saw Maynard at the Thai restaurant by the hundred yen store”

Vangi equally understood what this meant. Luckily her brother was home to watch over her little sister, and her parents had left the van and taken their truck. Without so much as a phone call she grabbed her keys, and we made our way back.

Needless to say we were excitedly unaware of what we would do, or what we would say upon approaching Maynard. But we were confident….that is until we parked the van, got out, and stood outside in front of the Thai place.

I found myself pacing again, occasionally stoppign to hunch over and catch my breath. Meanwhile Vangi couldnt’ stop asking ‘what do we do? what do we say?’

Before we knew it we’d spent fifteen minutes outside drowned in both nervousness and excitement. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I wasn’t sure what would happen, but I knew we had to meet Maynard.

“Okay” I said “Give me your hand. We can do this!”

Vangi gave me her hand and asked “What are you gonna say?”

I had no clue. “Take a deep breath” I said, and we did.

In a seconds time I pushed through the door and we found ourselves standing before the man who’d inspired  so much in us…..wordlessly….like deer caught in a headlight.

I remember Maynard staring back at us, looking as though we’d quite possibly scared him as well.

“Uhmmm…we’re really sorry to bother you…” Vangi started but couldn’t seem to finish…

I said the only think i could think of. “We’re really big fans”

“Oh are you?” Maynard smiled and then suddenly all the nervousness was gone. He was so nice, and his wife was there is as well. Neither of us had even thought to go as far as taking a picture until she asked if we wanted one.

Vangi and I agreed.

The very first image is the ticket stub from our first experience at a monkey majik concert. The ticket reminds me of both meeting maynard, and the concert trip in which we travelled to Sendai, and stayed the night in a hotel all by ourselves (with Vangi’s younger brother accompanying).

The ticket is almost 2 years old, and has been sitting in the same place in my wallet since the day of the concert; easily one of the best days of my life!

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