Irum final (PLEASE DONT TRASH MY PRO) by irumm
These are fragments of some tracks put together expressing how I feel about this class. Each piece of this track is a metaphor to my feeling about this class.
At the very beginning I thought that CT101 is going to be documentary production and we will be working with final-cut and so some “cool” stuff. It turned out that we were doing something different. I was lost and I was all over. I couldn’t get a hang of assignments at the very beginning. I started asking people to help me this and that. If I wouldn’t have met Collin Gayle and Andre Suarez who are also in Proff. Smith’s CT 101, I wouldn’t have done what I did. They have never hesitated helping me. They have been really patient and helping through a lot, so I would use this opportunity to thank them for their time and kindness. I would also like to thank Proff. Smith for being patient with me and giving us this freedom to learn on our own. I think it was very challenging to teach ourselves new stuff. It was something that I was encountering for the first time, so it was a struggle but I learned. I believe that we are our best teachers and after all the craziness, I learned something. It was an awesome experience….A lot of discovery within ourselves….
These sounds were taken from
Metal Loops4 by
REVEREND.BLACK May 24th, 2008
benjaminflack November 26th, 2007
by LG January 25th, 2006
Crowd Noises » Bar_Crowd_-_Feb_2006.wav By lonemonkFebruary 6th, 2007 By DjCHAOS November 12th, 2008 Foley » 011 Door opens and shuts.wav By FreqMan September |
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