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Multisite Tutorial

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Weary Internet Traveler:  Are the rumors true?  Are you one of the legendary super administrators?

MuZZy:   Ah, so you know.  *Shakes head*  I am revealed.  The games are over.  You have uncovered a truth I’ve hidden for so, so long.  Minutes, no hours, no days I’ve gone without sleep hiding this terrible secret within.  I am tired.  So very tired.

Weary Internet Traveler: Will you show me? Please! I beg you! I must needs become a super administrator and command my own legion of sites so as to restore honor to my family name.

MuZZy: Yes, yes.  I will show you.  Then I will lie down for a while.  The world ebbs and sways before me.  I don’t know how much time I have left.

*Standing up, the two men move across the room and huddle around a tiny glowing window.*

MuZZy: I forewarn you the journey may not be easy and the reward may not be as grand as you first envisioned.  You run great risks, of losing your sites and your identity in a dark rift where nothing ever returns.  Do you understand the risks?

Weary Internet Traveler: I do! I do!


Ensure your plugins are turned off before beginning.

To prepare for the journey, you must first depart with your plugins.  At your dashboard, deactivate all your plugin but, don’t worry, your settings are automatically saved and will be brought back to former glory on reactivation.  That is all.  Shall we begin?

Please, watch your step while in the dark caverns of File Manager.

The fabled file manager.  This is where the true work begins.  Go ahead and enter.

Illuminate the cavern, reveal those hidden files.

When you see the next screen, ensure you check the box for show hidden files.  Also in document root, select which site you want to be the network hub.  This will be the parent site.  The parent site is where the network command center rests, and where all your files will now be stored and sent out to little child sites like  Choose wisely, often the main domain is where the network hub is.

At the top right, search for a file called wp-config.php.  You may be familiar with this file if you uploaded wordpress through CPanel before.  Make sure you select the wp-config.php file that is associated with the domain you want the hub to be at.  (Most likely public_html/wp-config.php)

With the file selected, click edit at the top of the screen, then edit again in the window that pops up.  Hark, a wild wall of text appears!  Do not fret.  Scroll down until you see the lines:

Now, above the line” That’s all stop editing!” enter in the line “define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);” (without quotes).  If there is a line already there, just fit this new line in between the two.  Now, hit save changes but don’t close out just yet.

Open up the dashboard on your site and go to the Tools menu.  There, a new section should appear that says Network Setup.  Click this.

Here you will be given the choice between sub-domains and sub-directories.  We use sub-domains, i.e. instead of a sub-directory which is  Most likely your path is fated to sub-domains and you cannot make any changes.

Go ahead then and name your blog.  You can change the network name later under your settings if you are unsatisfied.  Lastly, enter your email of address of choice and hit install.

We have gone so far.  Only a little bit left.  Hold on.  Please.  Just hold on.

After installing you should see this terrible page.  This is my own, but yours should  be similar.

When it says to create a directory, use the new folder button at the top of file manager in Cpanel to create a blogs.dir directory in the specific location.  Remember when I mentioned to leave the wp.config editing window open?  Now’s your chance to simply copy and paste step 2 right after the other line you placed in there.

Lastly, since you have shown hidden files when started file manager, searching .htaccess will show up.  Insert those lines of script.  You may see two lines beginning with # symbols when you open .htaccess.  Don’t worry about those, just place the script from step 3 on the first line of the file.

Now, when you visit your Dashboard, a button My Sites should be visible at the top left, with a drop down menu pointing to the Network Administration dashboard.

Weary Internet Traveler:  *trembling* What next? I don’t know how much more I can take of this.

MuZZy: You have come along way.  Never have I seen such determination in one as young as yourself.  Your reward is here.  The journey is over.  Your network lies before you, but remember your land is your own and what comes of it is of your own doing and making.  You wield a great power.  I prithee you keep your network fertile and honorable.  Farewell.


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