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The Wicked Web 2.0

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I am currently partaking in the use of a Web 2.0 tool, I would like to take the time to discuss how Web 2.0 can be used to tell a story. So often in life, we go through the motions without recognizing what we are doing, saying, thinking. The articles that I read for the Web 2.0 helped me to realize how we are constantly in the process of telling a story, and often we are telling a story about our lives.


My first focus is on the blog and how it can tell a story.  Bryan Alexander discusses how when we write blogs, especially about  a specific topic, we are essentially writing chapters of it. He discusses how people blog about politics, events, etc., and how when they update their blog, they are continuing to write that story little by little. What makes these stories so special is how a community can collaboratively write that story, with instant feedback: Second, blogging a preexisting work adds a social layer to the texts. As Thomas observes, “What is unique is the quick and easy blog commenting mechanism for relatively instant feedback and critique.” 36 In this sense, blog republication is social publication, embedding the source material in the full Web 2.0 world (12).  Web 2.0 is exceedingly social, it is the input and output of information. In the sense of blogs (as well as facebook, twitter, wiki pages, etc.) we are allowed to write stories together.


Another really intersting idea about digital story telling that stood out to me, was how all of our Web 2.0 accounts tell a story about who we are: the way we set them up, the stories we tell, the information we put out, and how we design the pages. Because we are constntly telling a story, we have to be careful about what we put out there! Web 2.0 can be an amazing tool if we use it correctly.


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