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Assignment 3, Part A

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For this weeks assignment, we were asked to read two articles about “Web 2.0″– the upgrade of technology and the internet that incorporated interaction and social networking.


In the O’Reilly article, there was a section on Netscape vs. Google. That hit home more than anything. I actually remember using Netscape as a web browser when I first started using the internet. It triggered a lot of memories for me that actually pertain to the change into Web 2.0. What Netscape was ten years ago for me, Google is now its replacement–the cooler shinier toy that everyone must have to be current. I remember when AOL instant messenger was actually cool. It allowed for us to instantly connect with our peers. Our social lives seemed to revolve around it (at least it did for me–being a shy kid who HATED using a telephone).  I guess this is part in my life where I truly stopped connecting with people personally because of technology. I find I’m using the word “cool” to describe the technology, which nowadays the most up-to-date piece of technology and “cool” are essentially synonymous.


In connection with Bryan Alexander’s article on storytelling, I think the O’Reilly article fits perfectly. As a result of this movement towards “cool” and newer technology, stories began to be told; personal footprints began to be made in the ever-changing sand that is the internet.


Well, the Superbowl is on. The food has been cooked, the beer has been cracked. I am a Chargers fan, so I will be rooting for the lesser of two evils, the Giants. Speaking of Superbowl, stay tuned for a fun Part B of this assignment!



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