TDC #22: Take a photo of two related objects of drastically different sizes

I had my little sister, Mia, help with this one.
TDC #26: Take a picture of your feet that shows what kind of day you’re having

My Friday, up until maybe 9 pm, was very low-key. Slept in, ate breakfast, watched TV, took a nap, snapped this picture, played Bejeweled on my phone for like two hours in bed, cooked dinner, did crafts, then 9 pm happened. Notable things in this picture include two more of my paintings of poppies, my mini-fridge and microwave & that black blanket-looking thing that’s on the couch at the end of my bed, to the right of my blanket-covered feet, is in fact a Hogwarts robe snuggie. That is a thing I own. It’s surprising how practical blankets with sleeves are sometimes.
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