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My response to Gardner Campbell’s Personal Cyber-Infrastructure” essay and “No More Digital Facelifts” Video (Part B Assignment #2)

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Gardner Campbell’s video  and article truly made me began to realize more and opened my eyes into what creativity is. It isn’t all about what you do, he seems to be more concerned with the way you do things….the reason behind it. He stresses the reasons on how we all need to be more diverse and coherent to how we express ourselves in technology, whether it is through your domain website, YouTube video, and just communications in general. He states how  today we need to focus more on thinking aloud, sharing what we know, and the reasons behind such. He informs the audience on how  teachers should learn to become more advanced when lecturing their students on what they know but learning how to be more descriptive…to tell a story at most. Campbell explains to us the three recursive practices : “Narrating, Curating, and Sharing”. As i stated above Narrating would be to have teachers talk aloud, to tell a story. Curating is to take care of your stuff, how do you arrange it basically. Sharing would consider yourself to put your ideas and thoughts out there because according to Gardner, “it may be valuable to someone”. Let others be “in the know” instead of keeping everything confidential, except if it will cause harm to your career.

1) Why do people not want a bag of gold?

Based on the reasoning from Gardner, and my understanding from it would have to be that people are afraid of having a bag of gold in their possession because they will not know what it’s for, or what to do with it. If this bag of gold came out of nowhere and you wouldn’t find it as normal..then why would you take it? Then again we all know obviously how much gold is worth and what we can get out of it. But if we see that no one else has taken the opportunity to have this bag of gold in their possession then they’re going to be just the same as everyone else and deny it without knowing the real reason for not accepting it. This is what I am assuming from Campbell’s lecture.

2) What is a Digital Face Lift?

Okay, When I first heard the phrase “Digital Face lift” in Gardner’s video, i thought of it as what all humankind knows of the actual word “face lift”, which is something men and women have done on their face in order to make them look younger. However, according to Gardner in the digital world and human world both terms tend to correlate being that in technology the digital face lift means that things in the digital world are coming apart, says Gardner. This brings me back to my paragraph above which I explained the three recursive practices. Gardner’s lectures the audience that these three practices, Narrating, Curating, and Sharing, will help eliminate and put a stop to Digital Face Lift.

3) Where else does this happen?

From reading the article, it seems that Digital Face Lift is happening all over the Internet and especially in society. Instead of people taking the time out to discover and wonder around or take the advantage to be creative and unique on our own we need start networking with others and “sharing” the things that we know to everyone as well which later can form a community of cyber learning at least.

4) What are the potential benefits/drawbacks of these personal cyber infrastructures?

Some potential benefits of cyber infrastructures I observed from watching and reading both Gardner pieces is mainly how cyber infrastructures teaches people to interact more more with one another through networking and activating a social community website such as ( Gardner also calls it “creative intelligibility, which is something more specific than network itself, it is more general than a tool or resource developed for a particular project .” As for the drawbacks of cyber infrastructure for me I think that the whole importance of privacy in the networking and social environment is crucial. Mainly because they’re are so many scammers out there in he cyber world who will basically tell you anything that sounds good (which most of us will believe) just to take money out of our pockets, and where will we end up.. BROKE! To me this is  a primary factor of getting started with your web host and domain and learning more about CPanel in order to control your website and networking atmosphere.

One key sentence that interested me was the part where Gardner referred to a game called, “LittleBigPlanet” the time stamp was (20:04) What interest me about what he discussed relative to this game was how it was designed for users to tag people, upload to the server, comment and do a numerous amount of other things as well.. what interested me was how this one game has hits for “1 million levels”. This just made me realize how hypnotized and attracted people are to things such as facebook, and this game in the digital world and are set to be creative on these domains, but in reality they know little about cyber infrastructure. In conclusion, I really loved the way Gardner sorted out his conference into what he thought was most important to him and what he wanted to change for generations whom are moving forward into college and for those that are in high school. I thought his presentation was well organized and even though some of his ideas were difficult to comprehend fully towards the ending while listening to the audiences reactions and comments I started to get my own idea of what Gardner was informing in some parts of his presentation all along.

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