DS 106 The Movie is a design assignment that involves the manipulation of a movie poster so that the title is the same but the plot is now about our digital story telling site. This was actually trickier then it sounds. I looked for quite some time at all the cool movies posters that I knew of for my favorite films and realized that these simply werent going to work. I then stumbled on a random, not very cool movie poster for this movie (not the one above) and laughed out load… i guess since this is my blog i can say loled lol. I instantly knew that this was the title I wanted. This is kinda how I feel about this class because for me everything we do in here is a challenge. Im not very computer oriented so learning all these tricks for the first time is slightly over whelming but very exciting because I now have these digital tools and I do kinda feel more bad ass for that.
DS106, The Movie
Posted by Daniel Dobbins
February 18, 2012
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