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My Daily Create Summary from 2/12/12 – 2/19/12

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Cross Tattoo ( 2/12/12 Daily Create)

Cross Tattoo ( 3/12/12 Daily Create)

For the tattoo picture daily create I searched on google for one that caught my attention and represented who I am. I chose this cross picture in particular because I’m very religious, and I want to be for the remainder of my life.

Food Being Served ( 2/13/2012 Daily Create)

Food Being Served ( 3/13/2012 Daily Create)

For the food being served daily create I took a picture of a vending machine. I really loved this picture because the empty spots show that food is being served, also it’s not served by a person but by a machine which represents our current technology.

Toy In Action ( 2/14/2012 Daily Create

Toy In Action ( 3/14/2012 Daily Create

For the toy in action daily create I took a bike picture because it represents the toys we play with today.

How Old I feel ( 2/15/2012 Daily Create)

How Old I feel ( 3/15/2012 Daily Create

For this daily create I took a picture of my school schedule, and my work schedule for my classes. I chose to do this picture In particular because it represents me growing up and being responsible, unlike how most of us are when were in high school.

Bird Picture (2/16/2012 Daily Create)

Crow Picture ( 3/16/2012 Daily Create)

For this daily create I took a picture of a bird, because it was a bit blurry I used iPhoto to sharpen the picture, and I also made it black and white.


Someone Else’s Artwork ( 2/17/2012 Daily Create)

Someone Else's Artwork ( 3/17/2012 Daily Create)

Prized Possession ( 2/18/12 Daily Create)

Prized Possession ( 3/18/12 Daily Create)

For my prized possession daily create, I chose to use a picture of my family. I chose to do this because everything in life could be temporary, but family is forever.

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