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Week 5 Daily Creates!

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Here are my daily creates for week 5, enjoy!

2/13-Eating food in an unconventional way. Forget the spoon, he is just going to chug his chicken noodle soup!

Eating Food in an Unconventional Way

2/14-Toy in motion. I took pictures as I drove the remote controlled monster truck across the floor! Witness the Monster Truck on the Move!! :)

Monster Truck On The Move

2/15-How old do you feel? Today I do not feel good, so when I did my daily create I made it represent how old I feel today. I do not feel this old everyday, but specifically today I feel 49 years old.

How old do I feel?

2/16-Photograph a bird. This daily create proved to be rather difficult. I ran around outside in the rain for 15 minutes trying to find and take a picture of a bird, I even resorted to using my dads crow caller. Normally we have tons of birds in our yard, but since I need a picture of one today, of course there were none. So this is my picture of a bird that I took today. At least it a cute bird! :)

Capturing a bird today!

2/17-This is my interesting way to photograph Ed Hardy’s “Love Kills Slowly.” I took out all of color and added just red back, to symbolize death and love! Tragedy and Happiness!

Ed Hardy Remade

2/18- My prized possessions are not material items that can be replaced, they are my family and my relationship with Adam! They are the most supportive and loving people ever!

2/19- The only job I have ever had and still have today is a receptionist! I schedule appointments and take payments, along with some other stuff. It’s a great after school job!

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