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Week 5

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February 19 – Take a photo that represents a job you have or once had.



For almost 3 years now, I have been a farm-hand at my fathers business- TrueFarms in Haymarket, VA. We grow hydroponic lettuce and sell it to high-end restaurants and grocery stores in the Metropolitan area. Keep an eye out for our lettuce in a grocery store near you!


February 18- Take a photo of your most prized possession.


My most prized possession is my red hair. This photo doesn’t do it justice, but my mane of red curls is the root of my personality and identity (not pun intended). If I were a blonde or brunette, I am confident I would be a completely different person.


February 16 -Take a photo of a bird.


February 15- Take a photo that represents how old you feel.



This is the time on the clock as I was falling asleep when I remembered that I had to do my daily create. Falling asleep at 7:20 pm makes me feel old.


February 14- Take a picture of a toy in action.



My bedtime crew–in the act of snuggling and getting me ready to sleep.


February 13- Take a photo of food being served in an unconventional way.



Cups in cups in cups in cups– a most unconventional way of drinking.

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