Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92707 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

Weeks 6 & 7: Sound off for Audio

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For the next two weeks (three if you count Spring Break), you will be working in small groups to produce a 30 minute radio show to be broadcast on ds106 radio. Open, online students should feel free to share their names and emails/twitter here (see full list here) so you all can connect, what’s more feel free to work with for-credit students as well. Here are your guidelines:

  • Work in groups of 3-4 and pick and tweet your group name (hashtag #ds106 and #ds106radio).
  • Pick a genre for your show- news show, documentary, drama, variety show, etc.
  • Identify a topic to be explored in your show.
  • Your final show should total 20 minutes, and include an intro, outro, a musical soundtrack, and audio effects.
  • Use these as inspiration for segments (although you are NOT limited to these).
  • Your show can build off of audio assignments on, but there should be a coherence to the show; it should NOT be a series of separately done pieces pasted together (there will be a niminal number of audio assignment stars for each class to get you going with Audacity).
  • Your show needs 2 audio bumpers and two commercials.
  • During the process, all members must blog updates about their progress, and be recording audio interviews with team members. This is material that will be used to do a 10 minute “making of” audio segment to accompany your final show.


Here are some good examples of some radio shows from Spring 2011 (right-click and download to listen):

Here are some good examples of bumpers and commercials:

See Alan Levine’s post here for some excellent resources, tips, and videos for the audio portion of ds106.

We recommend you downloading Audacity if you don’t have another sophisticated digital Audio Editor of you own. Also, I recommend you have a SoundCloud account for uploading and sharing work, and also an account on which will be a key resource for openly available soun d effects.

You will be evaluated on the following:

  • how creatively you interpret and present your show theme,
  • how effectively you tell the various stories you present, and
  • how your show sounds. We don’t expect perfection, but we DO expect you to grapple with the technology to present the best product you can.
  • In addition, at the end of the process you will be asked to blog about the entire experience. This will be an opportunity for you to share the challenges you faced and how you tried to surmount them.

The 30 minute radio shows will be due Sunday, March 11th at midnight.



  1. Wayne A.

    February 20, 2012

    I can’t seem to get the audio example links to work. I keep getting a 404 error. Any thoughts?

    • Reverend

      February 20, 2012

      The issue was I didn;t check my links and I spelt them wrong. My bad, they should now be fixed.

  2. James Cruz

    February 21, 2012

    “The issue was I didn;t check my links and I spelt them wrong. My bad, they should now be fixed.”
    I c wat u did there

  3. Danielle Minter

    February 21, 2012

    Does anyone need a partner for Week 6 and 7 radio show?

    • Reverend

      February 21, 2012

      I will mention this in class tonight as well. But good thinking to get those requests out early.

    • Emily Deane

      February 21, 2012

      Danielle, I don’t have a partner yet. I’m a fully online student, but I have a fairly flexible schedule and can work on it whenever. Let me know if you still need a partner.

      • Danielle Minter

        February 21, 2012

        Hi! I am a fully online student too, yes I still need a partner so that sounds great! My email is [email protected]. If you want to email me with times you can work on it and we can make plans.

        • Devin Lert

          February 22, 2012

          I’m also fully online with a flexible schedule if you guys need one more. Email is [email protected]. Let me know if you want to join up. thanks.

          • Rabia Aman

            February 22, 2012

            Hey guys I am also a fully online student with a flexible schedule. If you need a 4th partner I’d love to join! Let me know [email protected]

    • Norm Wright

      February 24, 2012

      If any of you are still short handed or looking to form a group. Let me know.
      knormw at gmail dot com

  4. Ashley A. Gaston

    February 24, 2012

    Oh, how I miss DS 106! Audacity, I remember this project! We had to make an Ira Glass-esk audio story. It was so frustrating but, in the end, it was so worth it! Good Luck Everyone!

  5. Randomriter

    February 25, 2012

    Hi! Do we have to tag our podcast or blog explaining the making of?

  6. Shauna

    October 19, 2012

    I am not in a group. I miss that class

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  1. Audio Assignments Week 6 | ds106 tricks02-21-12
  2. Turn up the Audio: Assignments for Week 6 | bavatuesdays02-22-12
  3. Week 6: On the Radio | ds106 tricks02-22-12
  4. CUNY Weeks 6-7 – Time to Make Some Hideous Sounds | mbransons03-06-12
  5. 98.7 “Three Chicks & a Dude Radio Show” | timeeofyourlife.com03-19-12

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