I was thinking about how this class is about telling stories, and showing the progression of things on a continuum. I was thinking about how an art professor had told his students to take a picture of your work as we go, so that if you mess something up, you can look back at how it looked prior to the contamination of unwanted paint. I found these pictures on my phone, and I liked being able to see the development and the process. There was something satisfying seeing it morph from a white canvas to Batman. Even though the end painting isn’t amazing, comparing it to it’s earlier stages makes it look a little better, and of course a little more complete. I had taken all of these pictures with my phone, and I found them as I was cleaning it out (723 photos = slow phone). Today, I cleaned out my phone and made a representation of a progression of time out of old art.
Posted by Chelsea Mageland
April 15, 2012
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