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Networking – Lab 8 – Routing & Routing Protocols – BS

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Brian Seitz


Objectives: Configure a Static Route Network, configure RIP, and troubleshoot RIP.


Equipment list: Computers, routers, switches, ethernet cables, hyperterminal.


Notes and Observations: This was definitely one of the most irritating labs so far. We setup and connected the two computers to their own switches and then plugged each switch into their own router. After we connected both routers, we configured each router interface and each computer with their own network settings. That is where things got irritating. We spent the next 45 minutes trying to figure out why we weren’t connected. We couldn’t even get a response from pinging our own routers. The cables were fine and all of the settings were correct but it still refused to work. After 45 minutes of frustration and on the verge of giving up, one of us decided to move the ethernet cable to a different slot on the switch. Once that was moved, everything worked perfectly. After that we configured RIP and began testing to make sure we could reach the other computer on the network. It was successful on the first try. Quite a relief for all of us.

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