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2 Books, One Weekend

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Time for some long overdue book talk!  I don’t know what came over me this weekend, but I did a lot of reading!  Never a bad thing, of course.

First, I finished reading “The Hate List” by Jennifer Brown which I started reading about a week ago.  I really enjoyed this YA book and would recommend it to whoever was interested.  It really made me think about what it means to be a bystander, a catalyst, someone who has a part in something bigger than they realize.  The protagonist, Valerie, is going through a very hard time at home, school, and obviously emotionally after her boyfriend, Nick, was the ring leader in a school shooting.  Reading the parts of this novel that talk about the school shooting really scared me.  They talk about this one teacher, Mr. Levil, who was killed trying to save students, a teacher that all students found comfort in.  They said he died in a christ like way with his arms wide open trying to shield his students.

As a future educator, although this is not all that common, it is still a scary thought!  How far would you go to save people?  But most importantly, how far would you go to stop this.  Although Valerie did not realize her boyfriend was going to kill people, they both started a “Hate List” filled with people’s names that were bullies and mean to them.  Since she had a part in this, she was blamed as well.  This book goes through her journey of recovery and finding her place in the world.  It also goes through her coping with Nick about how she loves him but feels guilty for still loving and missing him.  If you have, the chance, I’d recommend reading this!

Also this weekend, I read “50 Shades of Grey” by EL James (in one day).  I’ve heard all the hype for this book so I decided to try it out.  I am so confused on my feelings for this book!  Don’t get me wrong, I definitely find it captivating and understand all the hype; this is something very controversial, provocative, and new.  I want to know more about Grey, as I am sure all the other readers of this do, and see why he is the way he is.  Why can’t he be touched?  Why doesn’t he like to get close to others?  Why does he like pain during sex?  It all just intrigues me.  Anastasia, the main female character, is exploring her sexuality and being thrown into violent sex with a man she cannot help but fall in love with.

Although I am a helpless romantic and adore good love stories, I am confused if I want this relationship to work!  He is clearly bad for her, but she is clearly good for him.  She seems to help him come out of his shell, but he still has a lot more work to do.  If Christian Grey could get his act together, I’d totally root for him and Anastasia!  But, until then, I suggest Anastasia runs!

A lot of people are comparing this novel to “Twilight” with sex.  I mean, I can see that, but I don’t.  Edward adored Bella and would never want to hurt her.  Christian gets satisfaction and arousal from hurting Ana so I just don’t really see that parallel.  The only part that I can see is how Ana is completely swept off her feet, Christian is a super hot, successful, rich, mysterious man and Ana would do anything to be with Christian.  Christian is also a bit controlling, and I hate to say it, but so is Edward.  I am a huge Edward and Bella lover so to compare Edward to Christian just doesn’t go over well with me.

I do not think “50 Shades of Grey” is for every reader.  It freaked me out a lot, but I just had to see what all the hype was about.  I am going to finish the series because once I start I cannot stop, but if you are not into that whole S&M scene, I’d say don’t read this.  But, if you like pushing your boundaries (as I do), just pick it up.  The worst that can happen is you close the book and never finish it!

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