Over the past Spring 2012 semester, Digital Storytelling has taught me a lot about your identity on the web and how to share your creative work through different media. Over the semester, I learned to create different medias such as visual, design, audio and video using different software that allowed to me to broaden my skill set.
From my original post, take on cyberinfrastructure, I still agree with my statement about how the internet is a bag of gold and that we should treat it like a precious resource. This bag of gold is available to everyone, and it should be used to their advantage. This resource can make us who we are and we can use it the way we want. It’s the place to be creative and it can be used to define us and how we want to be perceived. Digital storytelling is the way we use this bag of gold and mold it to what and who we want to share it with. It can take many forms, especially like the media we used in class to tell our own personal stories.
From taking DS106, I learned mostly how to share my work with others. An important thing to do with all your work that you share is to tag your work so others can discover work that you have created in that topic. Creating back links on your own posts to other’s work helps people discover new work and it links us all together. Keeping a nicely organized space is not only appealing to a viewer but it also helps your work stay organized when referencing your work or other’s work.
Some of my favorite assignments that came from this course were the visual and design assignments towards the beginning of the course. I have always loved working with photoshop and other editors to create something new. One of my favorite assignments that I did was the Name That Single where you were to create a picture that represented a song without using any words. For this assignment I used a song from one of my favorite artists:
Another one of my best works that I have done in this class were the .gifs I made. These included my .gif from Photo It Like Peanut Butter and from Animated Movie Poster. I enjoyed making the .gifs and I am happy with the way they turned out.
For students who are thinking about taking this class, I recommend this class without a doubt. You learn so much within a semester that will be important beyond your college career. DS106 is creative intensive class which means that there is so much creativity that is involved in creating the assignments and it is a lot of work, but it is worth not taking a final exam at the end of the semester.
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