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Reflection of DS106… and about that Cyberinfrastructure

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This is my reflection video for DS106.  Here’s an outline/cliffnotes:

  • I was excited to take the class! Underestimated amount of work and time needed for this class, but in the end, it was worth it!
  • A different kind of stress! I was not worried about failing/grades, I was worried about getting stuff turned in on time, and not looking like a fool.  It was fun, and I learned a lot more than I have in other classes. And now I have all my worked archived online! So great.
  • Now I’m looking into careers I never thought were possible, with my BS in Psychology.
  • @ 1st: Storytelling = My mom reading me a Disney story… plots, endings, morals.
  • Now: Storytelling = Not just spoken words! or writing, or movies.  It’s video without sound, sounds without words, pictures, lines, shapes, it’s narrating a process, it’s the development.  There doesn’t have to be a specific plot, or an ending, or a moral.  Just an inspiration.  It’s about sharing!
  • I gained a lot. Some skills, a greater understanding of the internet, but most importantly this class through me in the pool.  You had to sink or swim. What I mean is you had to give it a try, and Google some stuff.  And Comment.
  • Favorite Assignment: Visual Assignment Newspaper Blackout Poetry.  Breaking the grips.  It’s the feeling I got, not the visual output.
  • Favorite TDC: The second one I ever did.  A 30 second clip of breaking news.  Awkward pauses. Bad acting. But first second video to put on youtube (I said 1st in video, oops).  I feel like a proud parent.
  • TO FUTURE STUDENTS: Do your work on time.  Don’t procrastinate, because the internet might fail you. Your computer might fail you. Do the daily creates as soon as you remember, because when they are gone, they are gone.  COMMENT AND TWEET. as much as you can.  Don’t stress too much if you feel like you are sinking, because Jim Groom will save you if you are sinking, as long as you trying and Googling.  Like genuinely trying.  So try!
  • I wouldn’t change a thing about this class.

Cyberinfrastructure. I think I have a more personal connection to this word now.  Looking back at my post as to what I thought it meant, I agree with a lot of what I said, but I think I can add more.  Jim Groom talked a lot about archiving our sites, as they have become a part of you.  It’s a process of documentation, that a future you might want to look back at a past you.  This is so true, and this is a big reason why cyberinfrastructure is so great.  It saves paper.  It lets you store more than what paper or photographs could.  It can store your mother’s voice, the birth of a child, or a puppy, your favorite song, a song you made.  It is limitless, and it is yours.  You have to get it yourself, take initiative, set up a site, and claim it as yours.  It’s a bag of gold!  Why not take it?  And it can get even better! And it allows you to share your own stuff with other people. It’s a great community, and you can exist there, you just have to make it happen.

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