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No One Will Believe

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I took a stab at Remix an Album Cover this morning. I’m trying to see how many of the assignments for Camp I can do on my iPad — partly because I’m curious as to how good it really is as a device for creating (not just consuming) and partly because it gives me a chance to learn some of the apps I have a bit better.

I started by looking for a Flickr image, and instead of just picking the third one from random Interesting images, I took the third one in the most recently uploaded “Attibution Only” Creative Commons images. Unfortunately, I forgot to keep track of the image’s name/creator, and the image I found has long since been buried behind the 100 most recently uploaded in this category. : (

But this is what I found (I’ll keep trying to figure out the attribution):

Then I did the random Wikipedia article and got this.

Raffaëla Paton is a Dutch/Surinamese singer who won the Dutch version of American Idol.

Then I did my quote search, and got “No One Will Believe It” as the last 4-5 words. Unfortunately, I forgot to write down the whole quote or who said it.

Oh well. The assignment is supposed to be about randomness and serendipity, right.

I used SketchBook Pro on my iPad to do the album cover. The fonts in that program are really limited, and I wanted to play around with typeface. So I used one built in font and then embellished it and wrote everything else freehand.

It took me a while to decide on the placement of the album title. I tried writing it down the arm of the left statue, but the variation in color in the background image just made it hard to read no matter what color I chose. I think the window frame works well, although I might play around with a bit to see if I can make it look more like it’s written on the frame. I did erase the last bit of the last “E” so that it looks like it’s running behind the right statue.

I also used a brush to add a bit of a border to the image — It seemed to stark with just the black border.

I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. 

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