It’s been a busy weekend. It’s been an uncomfortable weekend. I’ve experienced a lot of cognitive dissonance and internal disappointment this weekend, and I’m trying to work through that both here and away from the computer.
Friday evening was the kick-off of the 48-hour film project here in Richmond. This is the second year that a group of students (a combination of current students and recent graduates) formed a team. Jon, the school’s theater manager/film teacher does most of the planning and shepherding. I, as a co-sponsor of the film club, try to provide support, snacks, a presence at “head quarters” when Jon needs to sleep. I don’t film. I don’t edit. I don’t do any of the planning. And that all bothers me. I don’t want to just stand around. That’s a waste of my time. That’s time I could be at home hanging out with the kid. I want to be involved. Here’s the thing though. I have no experience making movies. I definitely want the experience. I want to know more about the process. I have a few ideas on how to make all of this happen, but there’s that whole time thing. If it really takes 10,000 hours to get good at something, I am so screwed.
Part of Saturday was spent at the Richmond hackerspace, where I took an intro class on Linux. I’m not sure why I was there really other than curiosity, a desire to build a relationship with Hack.RVA, and a motivation to learn how things work rather than just consuming.
I have a genuine interest in the maker philosophy and the idea of maker/hackerspaces. I think it’s essential to know how things work. I think creating and making are essential components in the care and feeding of our life force. With that said, do I know anything about electronics? Nope. Do I know how to solder? Not yet. Could I build my own custom Linux system? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Can I edit a 7-minute short in Final Cut? Certainly not. Do I want to know how to do all of these things? Most definitely.
Learning something new is hard though. It’s intimidating. And since I’m not getting a grade, it’s so tempting to just not do any of it. There were several times Saturday morning when I thought about just not going to the Linux class. It was just $25. Sunk cost, right?
Tanya Sasser posted a very relevant blog post called, “On the Virtues of Not Being an Expert.” Around 8 p.m. Saturday, Jon, the film crew, and actors rolled into the theater. Filming wrapped. It was time to begin editing. A couple of the kids were unabashed editing noobs. They had never touched Final Cut, but they were so enthusiastic in their desire to learn. It was refreshing, and I seek to reclaim that enthusiasm by being totally unapologetic and unashamed by what I don’t know and just getting after it when and where I can.
Milton Glaser speaks beautifully about making and the path of arriving at understanding here:
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