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End of Week 1

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Okay. I made it through the first week. Well after this is done I will have made it through the first week. I didn’t have too rough a time as I have done most of this stuff before but in a more consumer-type way. I think I will really have to buckle down and sit down with my future weekly assignments and really give them my energy. Once I get the hang of checking the website and creating time to work on stuff for DS106 I think I will have a tremendous time. I love to create and from what I hear and gather so far, that’s what this class is all about. The only thing I dread is my own procrastination. One of my favorite things to do in life is to wait until later. I will work on it though.
After viewing the Robert Hughes video and simultaneously going to, I think I agree with what he is saying. Hopefully he is right about the future of art where the audience does not have to struggle to assign meaning to some weird pet projects. I think he is spot on when it comes to art being about expression and feeling. Next was Stephen Johnson talking about ideas and how to get more good ones. The most important thing I gathered from that video was that collaboration can lead to great ideas rather than two people having decent ones. The rules were next. I’ve seen these rules a few times before and I think Cage is trying to get students and teachers to just be more proactive about the learning process.
So far I love the Daily Create. I think this is the best way to pull creativity out of students. Each and every day we have an opportunity to make something we wouldn’t have previously thought of. That is very neat to me.
I hope this post covers everything about the first week and I also hope that my informality is acceptable. I’m not sure if we are supposed to make this look like an essay but the vibes I am getting from the class set-up tells me that it is supposed to be more relaxed. Anyway, I love it so far!

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