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Weekly Summary #1

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I really enjoyed the video from Robert Hughes it was just different enough from what I expected. I liked the comment about how art is changing, it made me think of how impressionism wasn’t originally art, and how Vincent van Gogh died before seeing his work become famous, yet now impressionist work is considered art and van Gogh is famous.
In the second video I hadn’t really thought much before about where ideas come from like that. I enjoyed the use of turtles as hunches.

So far it hasn’t been hard, but this is just the bootcamp! The daily creates seem like they might be fun, if I can convince myself that other people won’t be judging me too harshly for them. I’m not really sure what I can really say I’ve learned so far, it’s mostly been signing up for everything. I’m definetly dreading other people seeing my work and hearing my voice in videos (I hate the way my voice sounds when its recorded). I can’t wait to find out what digital storytelling is all about!

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