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Animated GIF of Jim Groom Ransom Art

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"Pixellated Groom" animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

“Pixellated Groom” animated GIF by @iamTalkyTina

It’s a thing to make an Art out of UNCLE @jimgroom. Lots of peoples do it! There are dancing ones, poster ones, and noisy ones, plus more!

Yesterday for The Daily Create tdc1160 was to make a ransom note to get Jim Groom back. My True Friend David Kernohan made a pretender Tina one saying give him animated GIFs to get Jim out.

“…or groom gets the stairs” by David Kernohan, on Flickr

After that, I got Jim and said make more animated GIFs, but these ones of Jim. I found a cool font on called mpf-kidnapped and played with that for a while, but in the end, I used a web-based kidnap-letter generator at and uploaded a custom image background to get UNCLE Jim in the picture.

“@JimGroom Ransom Note” by Talky Tina, on Flickr

So I have Jim now and I am demanding 10 Animated GIFs of Jim Groom to get him out. Not just a plain old animated GIF, but an animated GIF of Jim Groom. Plus, the deadline is midnight tonight, otherwise I will keep him longer. So you DS106 peeps get to work!

I was going to keep him until I got 106 Animated GIFs of Jim Groom, but I would not be able to stand it that long.

To start things going, I am personally donating ONE JimGroom Animated GIF (up above) to the kitty*.

But, to keep it formal and so that you know I mean business, I made an Assignment of it.

Animated GIF Assignments 1633: Jim Groom Animated GIF

So be sure to do the linking correctly from your blog to that assignment so that we know that the ransom is paid up. Any additional Jim Groom Animated GIFs paid after midnight will be applied against random future ransoms. So we will get 106 of them some day.

If you need pictures of Uncle Jim, start here: (it is called Google images)

"Funny thing that happened while searching for Jim Groom on Google"

“Funny thing that happened while searching for Jim Groom on Google”

So go make Animated GIF Art of Jim Groom NOW to get Jim out! Be original. Be creative. Make Art, bub!


*that’s the #106 #noircat, in case you were wondering

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