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A death poem…

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We are all born, and then we all die. Is it fair? Probably not. How morbid. Put that book down, and do your math homework. No, I like English. Well if you want to go to college you have to do well in all your subjects, you know that. I know, I know. What’s the point? So you can get a good job. No I mean what’s the point of all of this? Why are we alive? You will know when you are older.

– 50 years later –

Come on you don’t want to be late for school, you have to do well on your subjects so you can get a good job like I have. Why? I don’t get it! What’s the point? So you can support your family and have nice things. But I don’t want nice things! What’s the point! What’s the point! You will understand when you are older!

Pro tip: you never understand, and then you die.

I can see the end,
Everyone feels this torture,
Is this a sick joke?

Well today’s daily create was morbid! I enjoyed it though! I sat down and decided to write a haiku I had never been too great at writing poetry, I never had a good feeling for it. It always felt kind of superficial to me, like a lot of erudite people like it, but its to make them feel fancy, not because poetry is anything actually worth caring about. However this of course was just naivety on my part, and perhaps some bad taste also.

My idea for the poem itself is simple, we all know we are going to die (after like age four), so this poem could be from the perspective of anyone. In fact I tried to make it from the perspective of everyone.

For the back story I created I wanted to use stream of consciousness, think “my mother is a fish”. Because since everyone can related to this idea, and you know when you are a kid you think one day you will feel like an adult, and then you are 20 and then you still feel like a kid, and then you realize pretty much everyone in the world has no idea what is going on at all, and then you realize we are all doomed. So I think the stream of consciousness captures the idea of everything is garbled, and we are all connected, throughout time.

It reminds me last year, about this time my grandfather was on his death bed, and he was talking to my grandmother, and they were like “Chris, we feel like we are your age, we don’t feel old, we don’t know where the time has gone.” And then a week later he died.


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