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Listening to Stories

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Drone It To Me, Baby

For this story,  I noticed the producer used some upbeat music that was in sync with the story of someone  who was preparing to build a drone.  Throughout this video, you can slightly hear the background noise or the sound of the surroundings. At certain points, you can hear it a bit more clearly when  the music has been lowered. At the same time, you can hear the drone turning on and lifting off into the air. Another interesting thing I noticed was how the music syncs so well with the sound of the drone flying. The sound of a drone while is flying mixed with the music gives a nice feeling of relaxation for the listener.


This was a neat story about a man who is saved by a female bystander after trying to commit suicide by standing on the train tracks. He later decides that he is in love with the woman who saved him and begins to send her many presents, some too big for the average person. I loved how the audio here made me feel like I was right in between two characters. I could hear the woman  talking out of my right speaker and the man talking out of my left. It was almost like I was a third wheel for this adventure. I noticed that in the beginning of the story that music was used to transition to other scenes, but when tension grew between the characters, it stopped occurring. The way the producer stopped the background noise when the woman decided to jump at the end makes the listener feel shocked. It also makes it a bit suspenseful since we want to know if the woman lived or not;  especially, after that loud thump. The background noise during some of the scenes were really well done as well. It felt like I was in the apartment frying some food with the characters. The dogs barking outside in one of the scenes really replicated what you would hear near a normal apartment or neighborhood.

Hit The Road

The different acts in this story  seemed to focus more on narration and information compared to the other two stories that focused on using music and the dialogue between two characters. The two acts were about traveling and meeting other people. One was even about a woman in labor who went around town to complete some errands before she gave birth. Some interesting things that you get to hear are footsteps, some quiet music with narration over it, and the people that were interviewed by the main character of the first act. The stories here were all told through narration and the documentary of the people met. It felt like I was listening to someone reading a diary, so I had to really focus on the narration in order to understand what was going on within these acts.

Overall, the stories that I listened to made me feel like I was actually in them. While listening to each of these stories, I took a moment to relax, close my eyes, and listen to them. I felt like I was in the park relaxing and watching someone fly their drone around. I felt like I was in the same restaurant  and that I was a roommate to the the two characters from Falling. Listening to Hit The Road, I imagined myself in the shoes of the character from the first act meeting all of those people. It’s amazing what audio can do for you.

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