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Eighth Week: Radio Show Week 2

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I got really confused what Week 8 was supposed to be.  I thought that Week 8 was during Spring Break because it is an online class, and my group thought the same thing.  So we tried to finish the Radio Show Project and our daily creates before March 4.  At first I thought that this project would be the most difficult to be able to do because I didn’t really know anyone in the class; but by the end of project, I felt as if it was one of the most satisfying projects I had ever done with a group. I was satisfied because my group had some great ideas, were accommodating people to work with, and our personalities complemented each other in making this Radio Show of TombCast possible.

Over Week 8, I created 2 commercials after I brainstormed some ideas for commercials that I figured would fit with the comedic, relaxed radio show that we were trying to create.  I tried to come up with the silliest commercials that I could think of, and that’s how I came up with Sorsies (Sirens for Horsies) and the Used Horse Sale commercials.  Mostly I focused on products for horses because in most westerns the horse is most important to people due to them being the most accessible transportation source.  I came up with the Sorsies idea because my character is related to the law enforcement, and realized that there are sirens on police cars now; so why not on horses too.  Meanwhile, the Used Horse Sale commercial was an idea that I thought of while I was talking with my group because someone mentioned some commercial ideas.  After I came up with the ideas, I just wrote down what I would say and recorded myself saying the written words on my iPhone to transfer to my computer later.  When I was recording I thought that I should change my voice a little bit so they wouldn’t sound the same, so I did one commercial with an accent and another without.  Then the next day I put background music to the different commercials to make it sound even more different.  For the Sorsies commercial, I decided to recycle my western theme song that I had created in earlier weeks because it went perfect with the tone of the commercial.  The next background music I used was an instrumental from Will Smith’s song “Wild, Wild West”; from the time I put the background with the recording in Audacity, everything about the song matched up with words. 

Now, for the 2 bumpers I made; all I did was go into my room and come up with something to say to reintroduce the Radio Show. I figured that the intro bumpers would be played after my specific commercials, so I tried to suit each bumper to each of my commercials. Other than working with my group on our recordings, the commercials and bumpers were the things I put the most effort into.

Even though the main focus through Week 8 was the project, I was able to some of the Daily Creates. The first Daily Create I did for Week 8 was actually during the week of Spring Break on March 2, in which the assignment was to create a seed, a tree, and a star.  After I read the directions of just creating a picture, I started up my Sketchbook app immediately and started drawing a tree coming out of the ground.  After I created the tree with its roots and leaves I colored in the background.  With the last thing being to create the star, which I’ve always had trouble making; but I finally made an ok star this time.

The next Daily Create that I completed was the assignment where you had to post a caption to the picture of man in the cowboy hat looking at a snow covered road.  This one was easy because he looked sad like someone stole his truck; so I decided to make a caption where his truck was stolen.  After I figured out what caption to use, I took a snapshot of the picture and posted it to Twitter with the caption in the status line.

The last Daily Create that I completed to finish Week 8 Daily Creates was the assignment of coming up with a tongue twister in relation to a person that appeared in the ds106 hashtag stream. Early in the morning the last person on the stream was Garreth, so I tried to come up with a tongue twister using the “G” sound. Sure enough, after a couple minutes of thinking I was able to come up with tongue twister sentence that made my tongue tied.  Then I found a cartoon picture of a tongue tied person and posted it to Twitter along with the tongue twister line I had created from my thoughts.

The last thing I did before ending the week was write up Radio Show Week 2’s progress in my blog, and now I’m writing this weekly summary.

Overall, I had a fun time creating the Radio Show with group and would gladly do another project with those guys. I’m still a little unsure about doing audio work, but I’m starting to get used to making audio works now after this project.

TombCast Radio (Radio Show):



Daily Creates:

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