Five Card Story: A day of Service
a Five Card Flickr story created by MG79MkIV
flickr photo by bionicteaching
flickr photo by D’Arcy Norman
flickr photo by cogdogblog
flickr photo by cogdogblog
flickr photo by hummingcrow
I woke up early this morning, as I do every morning. The lights outside my window hum all night, so when they shut off automatically each morning, I can hear it and know its time to rise. I took the dog for a nice long walk, and set the dining room table for my beautiful wife (she hates doing this, so I decided to surprise her). I spent the afternoon caring for her flowers, and after it cooled off I watered the lawn. Hopefully, she will be glad to see these things done for her this evening, and appreciate my acts of kindness…
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