Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92926 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. bscites13

    Better late than never…right?

    UGH I’M SORRY I SUCK AND DIDN’T POST THIS BEFORE MIDNIGHT. My brain is fried from studying for finals. I know, I know, not an excuse but it’s all I got. Here are my posts and what I did this week: Daily create Check my twitter: @depcommrawls to see all the people […]
  2. bscites13

    My Future Life

    The final assignment I did for Rawls this week was “Tell Us About Your Future Life” (3 stars). I changed this one up a little bit, rather than being in a history book, it is more like a newspaper article from a couple of years in the future. I threw some different ideas around but […]
  3. bscites13


    The second assignment I did this week was “Wanted Poster” (2.5 stars). I made this one kind of as a funny thing. I played it like Rawls found the wanted poster somewhere around the office and was super mad about it–because obviously he wants people to think he is straight even though he might not […]
  4. bscites13

    Annoy McNulty…Check!

    For my first assignment this week from Rawls’s point of view I did “Post-it Notes and Grocery Lists” (3 stars). I saw Imran’s take on this assignment from Jay Landsman’s point of view and that made me want to do this assignment for Rawls. I figured it’d be pretty easy, especially since I have a […]
  5. bscites13

    Mash-Ups for Daaaayz

    These two weeks were a bit of a struggle for me. The first week I didn’t do much besides daily creates and watching episodes because my workload has been CRAZY. So thank you for giving us two weeks to do this stuff, I appreciate it. Also thank you for giving us until Monday because I […]
  6. bscites13

    That Boinging Rawls

    For my second assignment from Rawls’ point of view, I decided to do “That Bleeping Censor” (5 stars). I thought it would be funny, especially since on Rawls’ twitter I retweeted this: To Self-Censor or Not Self-Censor Your Blog? #pr #publicity #language #adult #censorship #audience RT @ereleases — Baltimore News (@charmcitynews) December 1, 2014 […]
  7. bscites13

    Daily Creates Galore

    Daily Create #1: A 3:30 Sketch (that I did much later than that). I did the inspiration sketch quote last week. I chose one of my favorite quotes (Philippians 4:13) and drew it (?) if you can call it that. I used markers and a piece of paper and then took a picture of it […]
  8. bscites13


    For my remix assignment this week, I chose an assignment that looked fun, the A to Z food picture collage, and hit remix. The first one that came up was the “‘Stache it” assignment. I figured I could have some fun with that one, so I went for it. How I did it: I decided […]
  9. bscites13

    Rawls’s Theme Song

    For my first Rawls assignment for this week I did “Your Theme Song” (4 stars). I thought Bad Boys would be perfect for Rawls not only because he is police but because he may or may not like bad boys How I did it: First I found the song that I wanted and then I […]
  10. bscites13

    Inappropriate Laughter: Miracle Speech

    For my final mash-up assignment this week I did “Inappropriate Laughter” (3 stars). At first I didn’t know what movie to do because most of my favorite movies are comedies so they are funny anyway. Then I was going to do a serious scene from Remember the Titans. But then the Miracle speech popped up […]
  11. bscites13

    Video Mash-Up: “The Wire” Edition

    For my second mash-up assignment this week (yes, I am on a roll today!) I did “The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video Mash Up Edition)” (2 stars). I chose this originally wanting to do some of my favorite movies but because one of our assignments has to be with “The Wire” I decided to do […]
  12. bscites13

    Eighteen Second Song Mashup

    For my first mash-up assignment this week (oops, I’ve been slacking) I did “10 Second Song Mashup” (3 stars). It sounded like fun. I love music and all types of music and I think this mash-up reflects that. I used songs that I already had on my computer because I have most of my favorites […]
  13. bscites13

    Brittany the Videographer.

    Notice how the title went from a question mark to a period? Yeah, well that’s because now I consider myself a videographer. These past two weeks have been nice. It is nice to be able to spread your assignments out over two weeks so you aren’t as stressed trying to get them all in in […]
  14. bscites13

    Rawls on the Web

    Hey everyone, for my final project I am doing Rawls. The sites I decided to make him can be found here: Twitter Facebook Flickr Pinterest Bio: I am William Rawls, the Deputy Commissioner for Operations in the Baltimore City Police Department. I am a major a$$ and don’t care what you think about me. I […]
  15. bscites13

    “Ay yo, Omar’s comin’!”

    For my final video assignment for the week Stefanie and I did “Swede a Scene” (4.5 stars). We decided that it would be easier and more fun if we did it together. It would allow us more people to work with rather than having to do a scene where it was just one person or […]
  16. bscites13

    Seniority in The Wire

    This week we had to do the assignment “Video Essay” for The Wire (5 stars). Boy was it worth five stars. This assignment was a lot of work. Rather than doing a discussion of Seniority in one episode, I made mine pretty much a discussion on a theme that is throughout the show but I […]
  17. bscites13

    Sincerely, UMW Parking Services

    I did today’s daily create, “If Poets Wrote Parking Tickets.” So I think the moral of the story is that I am not a poet. My rhymes are terrible, my lines are too long, and my poem only makes a little sense but I was going for funny not realistic. So here it is: We […]
  18. bscites13

    Dear Sixteen Year Old Brittany…

    For my next video assignment this week I did “Dear 16 Year Old Me” (4 stars). At first I was like eh, I don’t really know about this one. It seems interesting but I don’t know how much I would have to say. Then I realized that I actually would have a lot to say. […]
  19. bscites13

    Time Lapse Video: Making Popcorn

    For my second video assignment for these two weeks I decided to do the “Activity Time Lapse” (3.5 stars). I thought it would be fun to do. I especially wish I had more time this week to do an art project and do a time lapse of that, but of course I don’t so I […]
  20. bscites13

    Daily Creates Galore (Kind of)

    Sorry, I have been slacking a little. I have been way overwhelmed in my other classes. Luckily I was able to watch all this week’s episodes of The Wire already but I need to catch up on blogging about what I have been up to. Here is my post about my final daily create from […]
  21. bscites13

    My Favorite Vacation?

    For my first video assignment this week I decided to start out easy. I did “It’s Vacation Time” (2 stars). I chose this not because I had a favorite vacation but because I love going back and looking at vacation pictures and making a video is an easy way to do that. I love all […]
  22. bscites13

    Experimenting with Water

    I did yesterday’s daily create, “Take us an experimental water photo.” I thought about it all day because I didn’t know what I wanted to do. I knew I wanted to take a splashing one but I didn’t know how or where. Then I remembered that I have some vases that I could use and […]
  23. bscites13

    Brittany the Videographer?

    I was a little intimidated at first when I saw that it was video week. I don’t have a whole lot of experience when it comes to taking and editing videos. I went through all of the video assignments and found ones that I thought would challenge me and help me grow my skills but […]
  24. bscites13

    Fritz Lang’s M

    Well this clip may as well have been silent because I obviously didn’t understand anything that was said (I took Spanish as my foreign language). I guess voice inflections kind of tell us a little bit but I really didn’t understand a whole lot. Anyway here is what I saw: The kids are playing a […]
  25. bscites13

    My Inspiration

    This week I was inspired by one of the posts that I commented on last week. It was Jeremy’s post from October 2. He made Cedric Daniels into a giraffe. It made me laugh but it was also a great choice of animal for Daniels. I was inspired by the simplicity of it but also […]
  26. bscites13

    The Moral of the Story

    The moral of the story is don’t fall asleep on the softball bus. You will have pictures taken of you. I could post a funny picture of myself where I fell asleep with my hands in my pocket. I chose this one because it is funny. We have several pictures of this girl (one of […]
  27. bscites13

    What Makes Me Happy?

    For my final video assignment this week I did “This Is My Story” (3 stars). I chose this one because I have, oddly enough, always wanted to make one of these videos where I tell my story through writing even though it is on video. The hardest part was choosing a topic to talk about. […]
  28. bscites13

    Wow, Was High School Really Four Years Ago??

    For my second video assignment for this week I did “High School Memories” (4.5 stars). I thought this would be a fun assignment to do, especially being able to reflect on my high school years. No, they weren’t the best four years of my life but I did have a lot of fun while they […]
  29. bscites13

    Stringer and Avon Fight Chipmunk Style

    For my first video assignment this week I decided to do “Chipmunk Style” (2.5 stars). I figured it would be a good introduction to how Windows Move Maker works. Not super hard but not super easy either. When I was watching the episode I knew that I had to do this assignment for that scene. […]

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