Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92928 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @FCMaisano

    My Final Project-Maria’s Semester

    by Here’s my final project! If you want to see the process in which I made it, go to the Week 13 summary and the Week 14 summary. The Week 14 summary is also where I reflect upon this class as a whole.  This post’s just to reflect upon this specific project and have all of the […]
  2. @FCMaisano

    An Inklewriter Tutorial

    I really enjoyed using Inklewriter, so here’s a tutorial! First, when you go to and scroll down a bit, it’ll say this: As of when I am writing this, it is still working (and it’s November 2018, months after August 2018). So, pay no attention to the warning. Click “Start Writing”. However, the direct link […]
  3. @FCMaisano

    Weekly Summary-Week 11-Much better!

    I know last week I seemed (and was) a bit frustrated. However, this week was better! Saturday I was off-campus on a retreat with the UMW Catholic Campus Ministry where I wasn’t supposed to have my computer and doing homework would have been against the point of the retreat! Sunday On Sunday, I got back […]
  4. @FCMaisano

    The Missing Part

    So, for this assignment, I had to chose 5-10 words randomly and then do a Google image search for each word and choose one of the first ones. After, you had to make a story out of it, with or without the use of sentences. To get random words, I chose to use, as I […]
  5. @FCMaisano

    A Hell-firey Video Essay

    So, for my video essay, I chose to look use the Lost Tapes episode “Hellhound. It is one of the four episodes that scared me as a child (along with chupacabra, skinwalker, and strigoi) that I made my character Maria interested in. I have already done posts with the “Chupacabra” and “Skinwalker” episodes, so now […]
  6. @FCMaisano

    My Dream Vacation-A European Tour of Heritage and Architecture!

    Pinterest it is based off of: The blog post for the Pinterest assignment detailing all the legs of the trip: My (far-off) Dream Vacation! So, this was a process. A long, long process… For this assignment, I had to make a video about the places that you want to go. Seems simple enough, right? So, back […]
  7. @FCMaisano

    Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

    Above is the screenshot. Here’s the link from Hackasaurus: So, for my web storytelling assignment, I decided to change a news article to about the yowie. The day I am writing this is the day that our radio show goes up, so I thought it was a good time. The mentioning of using news articles made […]
  8. @FCMaisano

    Extra! Extra! Hear All About It!

    So, on Tuesday, I listened to and live-tweeted about the DS106 radio broadcast of Super Storytellers. First of all, great job guys! I thought all of your news segment and stories were very interesting! One thing I noticed about both this radio show and my own is how different each person’s part is. We all have […]
  9. @FCMaisano

    A Haunting Churchyard

    by Here’s my story! Please choose your own adventure and read it before reading the rest of this post! So, for this assignment, I had to use to create a choose-your-own-adventure story. Growing up, I knew about but never really read those type of books. However, I have skimmed a few before, so I know […]
  10. @FCMaisano

    Maria’s Pinterest Board

    by Here’s the Pinterest board! So, for this assignment, I had to make a pinterest board for a character with at least 20 pins and then use X-Ray Goggles from Hackasaurus to further modify the board. I chose my character Maria, and I got to 29 pins. However, the X-Ray Goggles no longer work, so I […]
  11. @FCMaisano

    My Dream Antique Bedroom!

    by Here’s the link to my Dream Bedroom Pinterest board! So, for this assignment, I had to make a Pinterest for my dream bedroom. I just moved this summer and am looking into redecorating my room a bit, so this could be useful, as well as fun! My style of bedroom is antique. I love […]

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