Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92928 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. John Johnston


    #tdc2034 Today be on the lookout for your one tree! Prerequisites, you need ffmpeg installed. I did that with Homebrew . In Photos app. search from Tree, this works pretty well. Export all the photos to a folder. You need to rename all the photos to be sequential, 0001.jpg, 0002.jpg etc. So open the terminal … Continue reading "#tdc2034"
  2. John Johnston


    I think some pictures seem to make less sense than text. #ds106 #tdc1974 #tdc30day 60000 random points — john johnston (@johnjohnston) June 5, 2017 Got out my minimal processing skills for this one. there are 60000 d...
  3. John Johnston

    This is #DS106

    One of the best things about DS106 is the riffing and playing with other participants. I dipped my toe in the daily create stream yesterday and pulled out a great example: #ds106 reply to me w/ tag #tdc1713 Get Your Mozart On: Compose an Imaginary Musical… — ds106 Daily Create (@ds106dc) September 16, … Continue reading "This is #DS106"
  4. John Johnston

    Commandline gifs: Cartoon The Nitty Gritty

    I’ve covered most of this before, but given the news that someone reads this stuff, I though I’d document it a bit more. Prerequisites: ffmpeg, imagemagick, gifsicle, I’ve installed all of these commandline apps via Homebrew. Cartoon Fred’s ImageMagick Scripts: CARTOON. I downloaded this then made it executable using the terminal: chmode +x cartoon I … Continue reading "Commandline gifs: Cartoon The Nitty Gritty"
  5. John Johnston

    CSS phenakistiscope

    @cogdog lovely stuffI didn't recognise/recall word but got a phenakistiscope here. I think @jimgroom has one too — john johnston (@johnjohnston) June 25, 2016 The linked site: phenakistiscope de bal | Succursale | Ruppert & Mulot is indeed lovely. It uses Flash. This got me thinking a wee bit about CSS animations. CSS phenakistiscope … Continue reading "CSS phenakistiscope"
  6. John Johnston

    Accidental Allure

    In the past I’ve made a few experiments with randomly layering and combining images: Glen Finlas -evaluate-sequence subtract and Averages (The Prisoner) for example. A couple of weeks ago I started playing with combining images in the browser. There are several ways to go about this, I found a nice script to blend two images … Continue reading "Accidental Allure"
  7. John Johnston

    Record Riffing

    It started with a tweet: Here is a new, awesome take on @reclaimhosting‘s logo–a GIF! @BryanMMathers you rule! — Jim Groom (@jimgroom) April 22, 2016 Then Alan: Spinning Albums from Reclaim Records made this: Which was asking for a gif: This was a little quick and dirty, it used my original Dancing Jim from … Continue reading "Record Riffing"
  8. John Johnston

    Drunken Gifs

    One should always be drunk. That’s all that matters…But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk. ― Charles Baudelaire I find gifs intoxicating, not the looking at them but creating. This is ridiculous. I find sitting down to rip a gif out of a movie and crush … Continue reading "Drunken Gifs"
  9. John Johnston

    Laughing Cowboys

    When I heard about #western106 I was looking forward to messing about as an outrider to the main herd, have a bit of fun, running the odd gif down and perhaps have a few campfire podcasts, nothing to heavy. I’d not watched cowboy movies much recently and associate them with my father whom I watched […]
  10. John Johnston

    Wandering Links

    Today’s daily create: #tdc1457 Do Some Research on Spaghetti Westerns | The (new) Daily Create I followed a wandering trail picking up some links on the way: Spaghetti Western – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Quick and the Dead (Film) – TV Tropes 725 Free Movies Online: Great Classics, Indies, Noir, Westerns | Open Culture […]
  11. John Johnston

    Hitting The #Western106 Trail

    The pony express delivered a message from The Man With No Course this morning. Looks like it is time to kick over the traces and git started. I’ve already started some of the daily chores and adding to this here tally-book. We have already come a way down the trail, so it might be time […]

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