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  1. l-mccoon

    Weekly Summary, again!

    Overall I don’t really try much when it comes to photos, I usually just point and shoot. I only have one camera available at the moment. One thing that seems like it might help is simply practice. Photoblitz: Flickr: I created a permanent url for my account, and set up for sharing. Daily ...
  2. l-mccoon


    Reimagined Road Signs I started off with two different signs: I rearranged them slightly and merged them together. Now why is a guy trying to shoot three kid...
  3. l-mccoon


    An Album Cover The name of the band that I got from a random wikipedia article is Valea Vidri?ca River. Then I got the random quote, (from Twilight “etched in my mind” as the album name Then I got the random image from the link provided. I put them together and messed with the fonts ...
  4. l-mccoon


    Common Everyday Object: I admit that I just used a filter for this one, specifically “False Color” and chose dark red as the primary color, and light blue as the secondary color.
  5. l-mccoon


    Here’s a “Splash of Color” I used Pixelmator, a cheaper Photoshop alternative available from the Mac App Store. I selected everything but the blue part, then used the sponge tool to desaturate the image.
  6. l-mccoon


    Here’s a visual representation of a recent dream: I usually don’t remember my dreams but I occasionally have ‘falling dreams’ I have a sensation of falling, then I wake up just as I hit the bottom, sometimes it feels as though ...
  7. l-mccoon

    flickr happenings

    Best of the best, a set on Flickr   I chose these photos because they’re my favorite ones so far. The story behind the hand is an expresssion of emotion, frustration
  8. l-mccoon


    by I ended up doing this in my dorm room, because I would have felt conspicuous taking a bunch of photos in the middle of campus. I am not usually very imaginative with spur of the moment things like this, I had a hard time coming up with things that fit the criteria. Although I ...
  9. l-mccoon

    Daily Creates!

    This week I did September 28 (tdc264) While it’s not technically painted on it is an advertisement that has been there for a year. Cole World was an album released in September 2011, and some people decided to advertise it with chalk, which is common here at UMW but only on the ground, where it ...
  10. l-mccoon

    Weekly Summary 3

    by Hasn’t really changed. I think it is a very interesting way of analyzing stories, that i may use in the future!
  11. l-mccoon


    by As a Trekkie, this one was very interesting. I’m not sure if it is a ‘story’ it is a single still image, but it does convey a message. It might be part a larger story.
  12. l-mccoon

    5 card flickr story

    Five Card Story: Nature Walk a Five Card Flickr story created by l-mccoon flickr photo by lesliemb flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by Intrepidteacher We went on a nature walk. We saw plenty of wildlife including a turtle, a frog, and a snake, then we went ...
  13. l-mccoon

    Daily Creates Take #3

    tdc246 9/10 Something that makes me angry Blue books mean exams and studying and are a pain. tdc248 9/12 Sidewalk scene Not much to say here…   tdc249 9/13(My birthday) Something I miss My cat Luna <3 we’ve had her for almost a year now and she adorable and so small (compared to our other ...
  14. l-mccoon

    Shape of a Story

    I’ll be describing the shape of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone.   Alright so, at first Harry’s life is terrible, his parents are dead, his aunt and uncle treat him like crap and his cousin bullies him. Then he finds out he’s a wizard, and really famous. He goes to Hogwarts makes friends, joins ...
  15. l-mccoon

    What is Storytelling

    For me storytelling is exactly what it says on the tin, telling a story. It brings to mind people sitting in a circle, maybe around a campfire, sharing stories with words and gestures. Or it could be one person standing in front of a group doing the same thing. People might use visual aids, or ...
  16. l-mccoon

    Weekly Summary Take #2

    This weeks daily creates This week, all three DCs were photos, one was a picture I had recently taken this summer, the other two I took specifically for this assignment. It was slightly interesting doing tdc244 because my little brother went through a phase where he would loudly protest anyone putting something(other than a hat) ...
  17. l-mccoon

    Creative Commons

    When I saw that we had to do research on Creative Commons (CC), my first thought was: “I’ve seen that before!” and I went off to look at several webcomics I follow which are licensed under CC. In the age of the Internet, it is insanely easy to share anything worldwide. This can be good for ...
  18. l-mccoon

    Creations of the Daily Variety

    I did the daily create for Septemer 3. I took this picture about a month ago on the US side of Niagara Falls, it definitely qualifies as both a wide open space and the great outdoors as well as being a great view.   The next one was for September 5 It seems like a ...
  19. l-mccoon

    First GIF – Puny God!

    I’ve been curious about making GIFs for a while now, but have never been motivated to look up how to make them. Well this finally convinced me to do it. I don’t really have a particular favorite movie, but I loved seeing the new Avengers movie twice this summer so I decided to use The ...
  20. l-mccoon

    Weekly Summary #1

    I really enjoyed the video from Robert Hughes it was just different enough from what I expected. I liked the comment about how art is changing, it made me think of how impressionism wasn’t originally art, and how Vincent van Gogh died before seeing his work become famous, yet now impressionist work is considered art and van ...

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