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  1. mglitzos

    V-Logging Opportunity This Weekend

    I’m in this club on campus called Students Helping Honduras, also known as SHH. The organization is recognized by a lot of different universities, but It began here at UMW by a recent graduate, Shin Fujiyama. He had a vision that pushed a relief wide-spread relief effort that reached out and helped many impoverished people ...
  2. mglitzos

    Playlist Story

    So some of you guys might find this hilarious, some of you might find this pretty f***ed up, but this is what happens when you have some free time on your hands, feeling bored with a hint of lonely, and a lot of party music. Here goes… Last night i was In da Club, Tippin ...
  3. mglitzos

    Final Thoughts about The Final Project

    Well these aren’t exactly final thoughts about the final project, but I’ve decided to post all posts relating to the final project Final Thoughts About the Final Project. The title sounded kind of catchy. So what am I doing for a final project? You ask, well that’s a good question. I was looking into the ...
  4. mglitzos

    New Plugins For WordPress

    So I added a couple of new plugins to make this site a little more user-friendly. There is now Google Scribe, which allows you to auto-complete your writing. There is also a working flickr plugin to allow my photstream to show up in the blog.
  5. mglitzos

    If Closure Is What You’re After…

    Perception is the fundamental tool of how storytelling works. There are two roles: Author (the person telling the story) and Audience (the person receiving the story). Authors need to acquire a connection to their readers to make a story successful and the audience needs to have some sort of connection to allow it to relate ...
  6. mglitzos

    5 Flickr Story

    p.card { position: relative; height: 240px; width: 240px; display: inline; margin: 10px 4px; } flickr photo credits: (1) ismart29 (2) maybememories13 (3) paulhami (4) ravnclaw89 (5) Intrepid Flame about this story There was a person who kept a very stoic face. Everyday he would get lost in his studies and not see how time was ...
  7. mglitzos

    Making of “Against the Wall”

    The general idea about my little short story/video is well… it’s something that I leave for you, the reader to decide. Some of the general idea behind the story came from memory fragments. Most of my ideas came from my imagination. I tried to be as descriptive as possible. The general purpose, I really wanted ...
  8. mglitzos

    Against the Wall

    Standing here at the empty room reminds me of how it all began that night. Like tonight, the room I was in was empty, devoid of activity save for the occasional creaking of the floors or the flickering of the incandescent lights. In those times I wasn’t standing around bored out of my mind waiting ...
  9. mglitzos

    Against The Wall pt2

    This is the second half of the web 2.0 assignment. It took me a lot of time to edit the media to work with the story. Credits go to: Usher-Dj Got us Fallin’ in Love music video Enrique Iglesias-Tonight I’m F***ing You music video Usher-Love in the Club music video Tony Coury-Up Against the Wall ...
  10. mglitzos

    The Therapy of Storytelling

    The story teller inherits the personality of the story. The overall objective is to accurately convey everything that occurs in the story down to the emotional level. Storytelling causes a therapeutic response--an emotional release.
  11. mglitzos

    Animated Gif

    So I had to create an animated gif file for class. I chose to do a short clip of Giaovanni Auditorre from Machinima‘s mini-series: Assassin’s Creed: Lineage The site that converted my wmv file into a gif only permitted a 4 second clip. I apologize if this doesn’t make sense. It’s just a foot step ...
  12. mglitzos

    The Road to Success

    So I’m finally done with setting up this blog. It was quite the undertaking, having no previous experience with setting up a domain, webhost, a subdomain, and eventually interacting with the WordPress software, but I would hope to say it was well worth it. If anything I did get an interesting experience out of it. ...

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