Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92894 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @michaeldgs106

    How to put yourself anywhere in the world

    Photoshop might be one of the best requirements for this course because it allows the user to actually create something ridiculous or funny that didn’t exist before your brain thought of it. Those imaginative events likely would never happen in real life, but with Photoshop you can breathe life to that scenario. Figuring out how … Continue reading "How to put yourself anywhere in the world"
  2. @michaeldgs106

    Weekly Summary 11/8/19

    Getting to know Lando Calrissian Hellraiser/Little Mermaid Evolution of MTV Project ideas 2 Daily create’s 2854, 2856, 2857 This week I had a blast creating some of these video projects. The Little Mermaid Hellrasier collaboration might be one of my favorite pieces of media I’ve produced ever. For the first … Continue reading "Weekly Summary 11/8/19"
  3. @michaeldgs106

    Getting to know Lando Calrissian

    Character description Lando is introduced in The Empire Strikes back as an administrator of cloud city. Upon meeting him he comes off as a manipulative type individual who was formerly friends with Han. Once the visitors find out that he had been held hostage by the empire his entire narrative is switched around. Skipping to … Continue reading "Getting to know Lando Calrissian"
  4. @michaeldgs106

    Steven Tyler gets booed of the stage

    Music videos, movie scenes, or anything that needs an audio supplement is hilarious without it. This assignment tasks you with taking the music out of the music video. Of course there shouldn’t just be an empty audio file so I just threw in a bunch of free random sounds (excluding the Michael Jackson grunt noises) … Continue reading "Steven Tyler gets booed of the stage"
  5. @michaeldgs106

    3 daily creates

    #tdc2839 #ds106 1. I'm related to George Clooney2. I can speak Cherokee 3. My grandfather at one point was the oldest living man in my town— Michael Barnard (@michaeldgs106) October 21, 2019 #tdc2840 #ds106 For the most part getting ol...
  6. @michaeldgs106

    My Progress

    This week I haven’t really got the ball rolling on how I am going to approach the analysis of my show. I think more deliberation with our group would be useful. I think meeting up might be out of the question because two of the members of our group are in Greece this semester. This … Continue reading "My Progress"
  7. @michaeldgs106

    Design thoughts

    Design in my eyes is something overlooked by those who don’t need to worry about it. Our everyday life is usually influenced by design in some way, likewise design is what defines every era of human history. Graphic design even more specifically dictates our lives because most graphic design projects to the public convey a … Continue reading "Design thoughts"

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